Monday, March 16, 2009

Shallow As A Dry Creek Bed...

You know what's pissing me off about this recession? Well, lots of things but the one right now is that my job is brain-numbingly awful. I literally come home and curl up in a ball in the corner. And I have no one to whine to because everyone here is insane and everyone else is unemployed, so anything I say about my job gets "at least you have one" in response.

This crap needs to end. One, so I can whine again. And two, so someone is hiring and I can get the hell outta here.


Suldog said...

God bless you. I've been blessed to be in a company that hasn't been hit as hard as some others, and it's a good place. Hope you find something great!

endangered coffee said...

I've had the same thoughts on occasion. Thinking of other, crappier jobs I've had also seems to help.